Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I Hope You Fail![1] © 2013 by Wayne Dan Lewis, Sr.

A Message to the Graduating Class of 2013

-4th in a Series


If you are aficionados of Conservative Talk Radio, or politics in general, you know the first time that some version of this statement was made was by the very renowned, Conservative Talk Show Host, Rush Limbaugh.[2]  His actual words, as recorded are available on Youtube: “I hope Obama fails”. Or, “I hope he (Obama) fails”. [3]  These declarative, perhaps unforgettable, and dare I not even suggest, regrettable statements, were made after President Barack Hussein Obama became President of the United States, [4] making him the 1st African-American to hold that office since the birth of this country.

I chose this message, not to exalt Mr. Limbaugh, or to even promote him, but to make a point about the power of negativism.  I will take the liberty, as even Mr. Limbaugh can appreciate, to use his words, or some variation thereof, out of context, because I too, truly want you, as the Graduating Class of 2013, to fail.
Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. You only need to find one good reason why it will.

~ Dr. Robert Anthony[5]

While Rush Limbaugh may get the greater credit for having made this outrageous statement of “I hope he fails,”  I think that it mattered little that he said it, and more about whom he made reference.  Not only did Rush Limbaugh make this statement about a newly elected president of the United States, but he made it regarding a historical figure, who was a non-white male, or more specifically, the first man of color to hold the presidency of the United States of America.  Now, even if you are prejudice, don’t like Black or Brown people, or racist even, you have to admit, that even for America, electing someone, non-white, in a predominantly White-male dominated country, is historical.  Come on, let’s be fair, and let’s be straight. 


So, when the #1 conservative for Republicans, on one of his daily shows (January, 2009), speaks about how he wishes the President of the United States fails, this is no passing comment. As a matter of fact, the statement, or his perspective might be considered historical in itself.  But not really.  The comment, as I will context it here, was a shot over the bow, if you will, at everyone, or at anyone, who was still in awe of the moment of the election of the 1st Black President of the United States.  But not Rush, he was not going to “lay down” as he accused his Republican colleagues of giving then President-elect Obama a pass, irrespective of the historical aspect of his having been elected.  To his credit, as quiet as it may have been kept, Rush did say, “he is my president”, but he was not going to give President-Elect Obama a thumbs up.  Why? 


Rush Limbaugh - I Hope Obama Fails (The Original) Video- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4xY0G90rHc

 As Rush articulated, it was because of Mr. Obama’s liberal agenda and policies.  Which, for the most part, may have been true.  Rush did indicate that he would show President-elect Obama some leniency.  But, only if he (Obama) adopted Reagan-like policies, where he would cut spending, and keep government out of small businesses. 

As the graduating class of 2013, you will hear all kinds of congratulatory speeches and messages.  You will receive hugs, handshakes, presents, 1000’s of dollars in gifts (maybe, hopefully), a nuuuu car! (In my Price is Right announcer voice) .  Maybe even, you’ll get a brand new house!  As we know, strangers things have happened.  Whatever good can come as a result of your graduating, you will hear it, you will see it, and you feel it.  You will experience it more so as you go on from this day of graduation.

Despite how I may have seen Mr. Limbaugh’s perspective as historically offensive to the newly elected, President Obama, I may have misspoken.  As I think about the historical aspect of the fact that America elected its first Black President, I had to think about something else.  “I hope you fail” is in itself a historical landmark in American history.

America has been a country that has all but uttered, “I hope you fail!” to many of the great events that has shaped this nation. 

As I think about Rush’s broadcast in January of 2009, I had to think about how often has America actually discouraged events that did not go along with the status quo.  So, I thought I would go back through America’s history, just briefly, and see if “I hope you fail” didn’t just serve as something to discourage, but conversely, to motivate and uplift many of our adventurers, conquerors, and achievers who overcame adversarial conditions in order to make America what it is today.

 If you don’t believe me, then reflect back with me on our American History.   

 For example ( in no set order):

  • Wasn’t it Great Britain that said to the 13 Colonies: “I hope you fail,” thus the American Revolutionary War from 1773-1783? [6]
  • Wasn’t it the South that said to the North regarding Slavery in America, “I hope you fail”, thus the Civil War from  1863-1865? [7]
  •  Somewhere I read about the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, passed in 1919, ratified in 1920, otherwise, America said to its women citizens, “I hope you fail!”  in getting your right to vote[8]
  • For too long, America has said to its women citizens, “I hope you fail!” when it came to being paid equally with her male counterparts.  Thus, President Obama passed an executive order for the Lilly Ledbetter Act. [9]
  • Wasn’t it America that said to it’s victims of Hurricane Sandy, “I hope you fail” turning down its citizens whose homes had been destroyed by surges that destroyed their homes, and livelihoods for needed emergency care and recovery dollars in 2012? [10]
  • Wasn’t it the State of Louisiana that said “I hope you fail” to State Supreme Court Justice Bernette Joshua Johnson, who although she had met the requirements to be its next Chief Justice,  was told “no”, you can’t be Chief Justice of the LA State Supreme Court. Today, as a Black woman, she is Chief Justice of the LA State Supreme Court ?[11]
  • “I hope you fail”- America spoke loudly to its citizens of color, in keeping the doors close to its educational facilities up until the mid-20th century, but eventually acquiesced in the case of Brown vs. the Board of Education;[12]
  • America still says “no” to its women citizens: you cannot make decisions over your body, and therefore: “I hope you fail” by its all-or-none approach to abortion regardless of a mother’s health or that her life maybe in danger.[13]
  • America is equivocating in her position on gun control, by not demanding background checks[14] in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre of 26 innocent citizens (children and teachers)[15], the shooting of Congresswoman Gabby Gifford and her constituents[16], and the various other incidents of gun violence. America is effectively saying “I hope you fail!” in your efforts to prevent further tragedies of gun violence, under the guise of the 2nd Amendment; [17]
  • “I hope you fail!” is what America seemed to have said to its handicapped citizens, that’s why we have the Americans with Disabilities Act[18], where structures once built to prohibit the safe and easy access of those who had limited mobility, are now required to  make physical accommodations. [19]
  • “I hope you fail!” is what a Southern Governor presented to the world when he proclaimed “Segregation now, segregation forever”, in hopes of keeping Blacks from integrating into America’s Schools;[20]
  • “I hope you fail!” is what America seems to say to those who are Gay, or Lesbian, that you cannot marry your respective partners, but their fight goes on, progress however slight, has been made; [21]
  • America seemed to have said: “I hope you fail!” to President Obama for his first term as president, in which a Republican-dominated Congress’ main objective was to make President Obama a one term president; [22]
  • “ I hope you fail!” was the fight that President Barack Obama faced in his attempt to pass the Affordable Healthcare Act, or what has been affectionately called Obama Care; [23]
  • And finally, to the Graduating Class of 2013, “I hope that each and every one of you fail!” [24] 


America has shown that while it will eventually open it doors for its citizens to vote, or that it is willing to make it easier to have access to her structures for those who are handicapped, America is not so willing to put background checks on its purchases of guns.  While America has made reconciliation on its judges and political leaders of color, she still has not made a way to allow a woman to choose what to do with her body.  But, let us not forget, this is the country of success, and prosperity.  This is a country that once enslaved people of color, which is now under the leadership of a man of color.  This is the country that promotes the dream that anything that you want to be, you can achieve it.  But first, even as an American, your road to success will not be without hills and valleys,  it will also be filled with mountains and cliffs.


Your road to success will not be without rivers and streams, nor will it be without avalanches and broken dams.  You can achieve the American dream, but it will not be because all of America will roll over and play dead, while you walk your little happy feet into a rose garden of success.  All America is not rolling out the proverbial red carpet just because you have a dream.  There are those who stationed themselves as gatekeepers, ready to bar the door shut, ready to chain the gates closed, or to draw up the bridge to keep you from being successful.  But don’t be fooled by their positions. 


While all the signs will be there that they want you to fail, fall short, or cease to achieve your dreams, know that they know, that their efforts are futile.  They don’t know you. Those who would stand between you and your dreams, don’t understand that you are no different from those who fight for gun control, where tragedies like what happened in Sandy Hook ceases to occur.  They don’t know you. That you are no different from those who have fought for the right to vote without unfair poll taxes.  They don’t know you. 


That you are no different from a man who, like many before him, fought the good fight, to be the next president of the United States.  The only difference was, that he managed to achieve a goal none before him had ever accomplished, even as he faced the same level of discouragement, the same level of obstacles, the same disdain for what he represented.  He faced “I hope you fail!” well before his election  as many before him, and like those who had gone on before him, he stood up, straightened his back, looked those in the eye who would oppose his American dream to be the President of the United States, and basically said:  

I’ll take that. But I’ll raise you better because, I am no quitter. I will succeed.  Today, he is President Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th President of the United States.


It is inevitable some defeat will enter even the most victorious life.  The human spirit is never finished when it is defeated…it is finished when it surrenders.

 Ben Stein[25]


As I conclude, Mr. Limbaugh does what no one else has done in America.  He is virtually an American Icon, having accomplished building an empire all of his own, because he is committed to his Conservative Values.  But we can’t afford to adopt his attitude towards those who work hard to achieve their American dreams.  If Conservative values are that you work hard for what you want, then Mr. Obama had achieved the American dream, from a Conservative standpoint.  Perhaps Mr. Obama achieved the wrong American Dream, with his liberal leanings.  However we may view this blip in American History between a radio commentator and the leader of the free world, the point remains,  “I hope you fail” will be an integral part of American life.  No matter what level of success any of us may achieve, someone is waiting on the sidelines, not wishing us the best that life has to offer, but instead hoping that we fall on our faces.


To you, the graduating class of 2013, I send this message, loud and clear:  “I hope you fail!”  But whether you hear it from me, or from your friends, colleagues, or from your adversaries, your answer should always be:  “I’ve come too far to fail.”  “I’ve come too far to quit.”   Be reminded, you the graduating class of 2013, that the America that you grew up in, never would have survived if those who pursued their dreams, surrendered to failure, or taunts such as “I hope you fail”. 


I wanted to be the first to tell you this less than encouraging phrase only because I think it has a reverse effect on those of you who hear it.  “I hope you fail” is the equivalent of a dare.  “I dare you to succeed”.  “I dare you to win.”  Or, “I dare you to be the very best that you can be.”  Do you see the similarity?  “I hope you fail”/ “I dare you to win”?  I don’t know if Mr. Limbaugh will ever admit to it, but I think that he was encouraging Mr. Obama.  I know that’s how I would have taken it.  And, that’s how I hope you will take my message to you today.  “I hope you fail!”  I hope that you will leave here today, inspired, uplifted, and empowered more than ever to take your piece of paper, and not just SIT ON IT![26]  I hope that you will reflect on that part of American History that has survived the instances that I have shared here, as well as the many other things that shape our American lives, good, bad, or indifferent.  I hope that you will go out and dare to make a difference, and not be discouraged by someone, or anyone, who believes that their best days, as well as yours, are behind us.  That’s the defeatist attitude that graduates of this class cannot, and must not adopt.  So leave here today, having accepted a dare in the form of “I hope you fail”, and prepare to achieve great things not only for you, but your families and for your communities.  Leave here today and never look back.  Never give up, and never quit on your dreams to be the very best that you can be.


Congratulations to you, the Graduating class of 2013.


[4] Barack Obama, Voted President of the United States- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama_election_victory_speech,_2008
[12] Brown vs the Board of Education- http://www.nationalcenter.org/brown.html
[19] AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990, AS AMENDED- http://www.ada.gov/pubs/ada.htm
[20] Segregation now, Segregation forever-George Wallace, AL Governor- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Wallace%27s_1963_Inaugural_Address
[21] Gay and Lesbian Marriage- http://www.glad.org/
[24] Graduating Class of 2013: “I Hope You Fail” © 2013 by Wayne Dan Lewis, Sr.- http://thecovetedcommandment.blogspot.com/
[25] Ben Stein quote on failure- http://thinkexist.com/quotations/defeat/

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