Tuesday, July 23, 2013

CAN I BUY A COMMANDMENT?[1] © 2013 by Wayne Dan Lewis, Sr

Theme: What is your vote worth in dollars?

I wasn’t sure how to approach this topic, so I had to really go out there.  So, if you don’t want to talk about Lobbyists, Lobbying or Political Action Committees, I understand.  Please catch me next week when I discuss Boycotting-How It Works, Why It Fails © 2013 by Wayne Dan Lewis Sr. on the Coveted Commandment Blog.

Why this Topic?

Most of the topics that I choose, I try to find a financial or economic relationship, however slight.  The issue of lobbying, lobbyists and PACs are financially related to the decisions that we make when it comes to voting.  Many of us, as I believe, are voting according to the messages that our respective candidates are sending.  And on many occasions, we are confident that those messages that we receive, and the resulting votes that get our candidates into office (from dog catcher, to mayoral, to governor even to the President), are the messages that many will carry them forward on our behalf.  I would like to believe that every candidate who accepts our votes, and who accepts the office for which they are elected, are doing so, armed with the promises that they made, and intend to keep.  But I would be very naïve if I believe that.  Politicians, based on my perception, aren’t necessarily bound to the promises that they make.  And worst yet, being held accountable to those promises is not likely to happen anytime soon, especially if we aren’t supporting them in way more than throwing a lever in the voting booth.  Why?  Because our candidates, our representatives are wise enough to throw us bones sufficient enough to get re-elected, but insufficient enough to cost them their positions, for years to come.  Why?

Follow the Money[2]
Many of us are acute voters. We can’t wait to vote for our favored candidates.  We vote with the confidence that those for whom we vote, are working steadfastly to carry out those matters and issues that are necessary to the salvation and longevity of our various communities.  But, on occasion, we find that our representatives seem to have a mind of their own.  We sometimes sense that our representatives may have an agenda aside  from the pre-election barn-stomping that they preached, and that maybe, our representatives may have strayed from the promises that they made to us.  Why would that be?   What could have happened that our representatives could take a different route from what we ostensibly agreed to, by voting for them?

It maybe, and this maybe a quantum leap for some of us, but maybe, we didn’t pay up.  What?  “What do you mean-‘Pay Up’?”  Now, this is purely speculation, and I am sure many of our good representatives will be sending me emails, letters, and threats upon my dusty hide, but as time has shown, nothing is ever achieved in politics without someone getting some type of financial assistance, if you will in order for things to get done.  Even electing our favorite politician doesn’t come cheap.  For example, our favorite, or non-favorite politician doesn’t continue to win over, and over, and over, and over again to those political offices merely because of our love and appreciation.  I am willing to speculate that hardly any good-pardon me-great politician, worth their salt, needs some kind of financial support in order to make it back to the “Big House”. 

In other words, we need to dig deep into our pockets, or our pocketbooks, piggybanks, between the sofa cushions, or into our sock drawers, so that when we call on our elected leaders, we can point beyond the voting booth.  We should be able to point to our contributions that help our leaders to get to where they are, and, that for our contributions, the $1.50 that we give so bravely, and proudly, that we put into their campaigns, we now believe that we should be able to get our streets paved, the lights turned on, or at best, a park in our community.  Of course, we should never suggest that this is a bribe, or that we would withhold such contributions should our representative fail to meet our expectations. But…. money is the key, and while it is equivalent to saying that we don’t pay for elections, it’s time we stop sitting on our hands, pretending that money, or any semblance thereof, does not influence the way our elected officials work, whether we vote for them or not. (.Officials feel free to respond)

Avoiding Political Corruption [3]

How does it happen?  Political Corruption.  It’s important that in this post, nothing should be assumed to encourage a political leader to accept, outside of the law, any contributions, or donations that do not meet campaign finance laws[4].  So, with that said, what is an appropriate amount of money to donate to political leader’s campaign where neither we, nor they, are caught up in any corruption?  $10.00? $100? Or $1000?  Consult with your state’s Secretary of State office, or the Federal Elections Commission, or an attorney.   But whatever it is we donate, we have to be sure that we are clear as to why, and what it is we expect for our support.  And whatever it is that we do expect, does not lead to political misconduct, from the contribution, itself, to the end result of the desired activity. 

Corruption is the abuse of power for gain, such as political or personal gain. Wealth, power and influence are all related, which isn't necessarily a bad thing as people who grow rich are usually clever and in most cases honest (we mostly only hear about the bad apples in the news). Those who have achieved strong influence are by and large talented individuals who are in the know about a certain area of expertise. And those who grow powerful are generally competent individuals who can get things done. Of course there are those lucky enough to be born into power or wealth, but unless these individuals are particularly clever or talented in their own way, they more often than not aren't put into great positions of authority. George W. Bush is actually a smart individual, he made it to Yale and got an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School, just look at YouTube videos of him from before the election and he seems extremely competent. What happened after is a different story. [5]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5791306

Can we buy a commandment?
I thought we would discuss briefly about Political Campaign donations, corruption and lobbying.  While it may not seem relative, it goes back to the Coveted Commandment:  Thou Shalt Build Wealth.  How?  If you will go back to the beginning of this blog and why it was first proposed, it asked the question about the 10th commandment.  The 10th Commandment, as we all know, prohibits and/or forbids that we “covet”, or desire strongly anything that is our neighbor’s.  I try to write each week about something current that I believe relates to the 10th commandment, as we know it.  The issue of campaign donations, PAC’s and Lobbying goes right to the issue of the 10th commandment, more specifically, the Coveted Commandment: Thou Shalt Build Wealth. 

As we previously discussed, the idea of a commandment that focuses more on “not coveting” or desiring the wealth of others, seems preposterous. (If you haven’t read the first post, please feel free to review: Thou Shalt Build Wealth at the Coveted Commandment Blog.[6] Maybe preposterous is a little to strong.  But the idea of a commandment that forbids a natural desire to achieve is suspect.  From as far back as the Garden of Eden, God has instilled in man the genetic benefit of desire, and inspiration.  So, to ask man to follow a commandment by which we can be punished for trying to better ourselves is unrealistic.  It is that desire that the 10th commandment              (Exodus 20:17 )[7] addresses, and seems to attempt to quell within us.  It is that commandment, which prohibits us from seeking a just footing, even in our political aspirations, that in the absence of financial ability, we find ourselves seek political parity.

It is that commandment, the 10th commandment, which when followed to the letter of the law, forces those of us with inadequate, financial means, to rely only the vote, the pulling of the lever, or the inking of the thumb, while others can put forth 100’s and 1000’s of dollars to affect change in, of all places, the communities of the poor.  Can we buy a commandment?  Can we afford to buy a commandment?  The answer depends on what our beliefs are, and what it is we want.  Can we buy a commandment?  It depends on who and what it is we are competing against.  It depends upon whether we follow the 10th Commandment, or the Coveted Commandment.  If we only follow the 10th Commandment, then we will never rise to the occasion where we focus on supporting candidates beyond pulling the lever, if we even do that. 

However, if we choose to follow the Coveted Commandment (Thou Shalt Build Wealth), or any language that allows the poor, or the disenfranchised to covet, to desire and acquire a better future for themselves and their families, we can put together a very viable financial campaign package that focuses on identifying candidates who will, without equivocation, take seriously not only our votes, from our respective positions in our communities, but literally work for our best interest.  What does that mean?

Lobbyists and PAC’s-What are they?
What is a lobbyist?- A ' lobbyist' is a person who tries to influence legislation on behalf of a special interest or a member of a lobby. [8]  I pulled information from a website entitled Lobbying 101 [9].  On the website, it discusses the following:
  1. What lobbying is;
  2. Who are lobbyists;
  3. How to hire a lobbyist
  4. How to work with a lobbyist,
  5. How Lobbying became the biggest business in Washington [10]
And other important issues relating to lobbing.  I’ll explain why these are important shortly, but first let get an insight to Political Action Committees.

What is a Political Action Committee or (PAC)?[11]  I found a website entitled Open Secrets.org. [12]  It outlines what constitute a PAC and how groups get together to elect or castigate a candidate.  This obviously involves a tremendous amount of money.  So, what does this mean to the average person who only pulls a lever for their candidate?  It means that voting isn’t enough.  It strongly suggests that if all we have been doing is going to the voting booth and doing our civic duty, we are in for a rude awakening.

Without the aid of Political Action Committees, our candidate of choice maybe lucky if he or she gets past the general election.  After that, they are horsemeat.  The forces that come together to beat our candidates, that we often see through rose-colored glasses, are extremely determined.  How do our candidates stand after winning a primary?  Many of our candidates may feel comfortable with 1 or  or 2 million dollars in their war chest, providing of course, their counterparts have an equal amount of money to run their campaigns. Good luck with that scenario.

How much are we talking?
The Federal Elections Commission indicated that between January 2003 and June 2004, $629,000, 000 was raised by Political Action Committees, $514,000,000 was spent and $205.1 million was contributed to Federal Candidates.[13]   Here are examples of how much money we are talking by contributors:
v     Kyle Road bond PAC raises more than $20,000.00 [14]
v     Pro-Obama Super-PAC raised $6,000,000 in June for Attacks [15]
v     NRA Raises $1.1 million in January [16]
v     Top City Donors include Walmart and GOP [17]
v     US Chamber of Commerce -$243,504, 680 [18]
v     American Hospital Assn - $117,776,891 [19]
v     AARP- $73,700,000 [20]
v     National Assn of Realtors- $80,750,000 [21]
The last four of the above list are reported to spent the quoted amounts between 1998 and 2005 in affecting legislation and legislators when it came to business, healthcare, the rights of the elderly and real estate. [22]  These monies, as collected, donated, or fund-raised are done so by many of our American Citizens.  In some cases, from around the world.  As the supposed chronic voter that many of us are content to be, we need to be sure that voting is not where we stop.  We have to go further by looking at what our representatives are working with, and working against.  So, don’t look at it as buying a vote, look at it as investing in the ideas and ideals that you, as a citizen, want to see your representative making happen for you.

How do you get started?[23]
From the website, localvictory.com, they discuss the pros and cons of starting a Political Action Committee.  We should thank them for sharing this information as they point out that some of the positive aspects of having a committee is that we can affect change by setting an agenda, giving us a place at the table (of politics), and of course, allows us to think big.  Conversely, as the article points out, it focuses fund-raising, getting traction, and doing the hard work that it takes to build a viable PAC committee.  How do we get started?  It begins with a ideal to support someone who believes in our respective ideals.  It begins with being committed to supporting them, all the way.  But it also involves going into our pockets.  Deep, deep, deep into our pockets. 

Our ideals, no matter how grand, or noble, can no longer be appreciated or espoused from the hilltops, or soapbox, at least not unless we have a well-funded soapbox.  Political candidates appreciate when someone says that they support them, but they need us to go full bore and pull out soft money, or big checks to support them, all the way to the state capital, or the nation’s capital.

Can we buy a commandment?  Perhaps the question was misleading, but if we are not supporting those running for political office, we also are misleading those who are running for office, as well as those whom we expect to do our bidding for us on education, crime, transportation, or even wrangling dogs off of the street.  We may not be able to buy a commandment, but inflation has a tendency to affect everything, including how we support our candidates.  Nothing personal, but it is how we are going to have get our message out and make it clear as to where we stand on issues of importance to our  communities and to our children’s future.

The time devoted to this post was limited.  The time necessary to building a formidable support structure for a given candidate is also limited.  The funds are also limited.  But if we expect to see a change in those areas that affect our lives, we are going to have to step up and invest in someone, or some set of principles that best represent either who we are, or where we want to be.  $6,000,000[24] seems like a stretch to overcome when it comes to issues of building schools, abortions, immigration reform, or building pipelines to transport oil or gas through the Northwestern portion of the country.  Or maybe, we just want lights on our corners, 2 police officers in stead of one.  How much will that cost us?  $243,504, 680[25] is a stretch, but just be aware that there is a cost, or a fee to affect a change.  It never was free, and now, it’s cost has greatly increased.  What are we prepared to do?  How do we expect to build wealth if we are not willing to put into something what it is we expect something out of?
The Coveted Commandment:  Thou Shalt Build Wealth
Disclaimer:  No information should be assumed as allegations or accusations of anyone living or dead, past or present of having participated in, or having accepted any illegal contributions.  Information presented here, while deemed to be from reliable sources is not guaranteed.

[1] Disclaimer: Nothing written herein shall be an assumption of, or accusation that anyone, living or dead, in public office, present or past, accepted any illegal contributions, or that any elected or appointed official conducted any illegal activity against their constituents, or those whom they represented at anytime.
[4] Political Campaign Finance Laws- http://www.campaignmoney.com/
[8]    What is a lobbyist?- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobbying
[10]  How Lobbying became the Biggest Business in Washington- http://blog.washingtonpost.com/citizen-k-street/chapters/chapter_1/
[11] Open Secrets on Political Action Committees and Lobbying- http://www.opensecrets.org/earmarks/
[22] In the interest of full disclosure, I am a licensed real estate agent in the State of Louisiana
[23] Pros and Cons of Starting a Political Action Committee- http://www.localvictory.com/fundraising/your-own-political-action-committee.html

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

PREPARE FOR YOUR NEXT MOVE 2014© 2013 by Wayne D. Lewis, Sr.


 by Wayne D. Lewis, Sr.



“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you

             have to play better than anyone else.”

                                                Albert Einstein[1]


Theme: What is your Master Plan?


2014 is less than 7 months away.  For many of us, it will be another year filled with surprises.  For many of us, it will be a time with newborns, weddings, promotions, and, unfortunately, job losses, divorces, and most certainly, deaths,  In 2014, there will be elections of Congressional and Senatorial representatives, Mayors, Governors, and other important community representatives.  There will be passages of laws and ordinances, some of which yet to be put on the table, others that will have already been passed, and just waiting for January 1, 2014.  Just like the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare.  We can expect new construction of stores, apartments, and homes in 2014.  Regardless of what is going to happen in 2014, we will have an opportunity to take part in, or witness some extraordinary things.  Many of which I hope will be positive achievements for all involved, deaths, divorces and job losses excluded.


Coming in 2014-Jurassic Park:


But this post is not about what is going on in businesses, organizations or politics, per se.  It is about us, as individuals.  The question before us, if we are interested is, what is our Master Plan?  What does 2014 hold for us, and how do we plan to fulfill our dreams and desires for a successful year?  What are we doing today?  Are we on track?  Are we on a track at all?  Or, are we winging it?  Or, are we hoping that everything will go right, by chance?  I don’t think that we are, but I want to make sure that we all share a common goal in pursuing our various achievements, especially for 2014.


Three meanings for Master Plan[2]

n.- A plan giving comprehensive guidance or instruction.

n- a comprehensive long-term strategy

n- a general plan for achieving an objective.


Each of the above meanings are similar, with an emphasis, whether implied or stated on a “plan”.  Note however, the other terms associated with having a Master Plan:  comprehensive guidance or instruction; comprehensive long-term strategy and, a general plan for achieving an objective.


While I like these references, the one that most addresses where I hope we all are striving for is, a “comprehensive guidance or instruction” “for achieving “ a “long-term strategy”.  Can we do that?  Yes! We should be able to do anything that puts us in a position that allows our goals or our plans to take on a life of their own.  What most sticks out to me is “long-term strategy”.  For us, looking forward for 2014, we need a long-term strategy.  We need to know that day by day, week by week and so on, that we know where we are at any given time, and where we need to be because we have a long-term strategy.  We need to know, that absent any major change in our lives, that is unforeseeable, and/or uncontrollable, we are on track to achieve some great things.  Basically, and theoretically, we are track to make our Master Plan a thing of reality.  But commitment is the key, and we need to understand that there will be many distractions along the way.  We probably need to incorporate into our long-term strategy a distraction-detector, so that anytime a “shiny object” appears in our line of vision, we give it a test.  For example:

  1. What does this mean to my goals and objectives?
  2. How much will this improve my plans to meet my goals?
  3. Is there a financial benefit to this particular distraction?


New Halo coming in 2014 for Xbox 4:


You may come up with your own test, but this is very important for those of us (like me) who get up on shiny objects, and before we know it, we are behind on our schedules and plans.  And who do we have to blame?  No one but ourselves.  So, putting a type of distraction test in place, within our strategies, would be a great idea. 


Intel Broadwell Coming In 2014, 14 Nanometer On Track:


Right Now

Right now, let’s assume the worst.  Let’s assume that we have allowed ourselves to distracted by a “shiny object”.  Let’s assume that we have no goals at all, or that we put our goals on the back burner because everything that we have done for 2013 has failed.  Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that everything that we have done for 2013 is about to crumble and fall, but we are willing to do what we can to make it better.  That right now, with our dreams firmly fixed on 2014, we can turn things around and begin to do something to erase any semblance of the errors, mistakes, or shiny objects that we have focused on too long.  Why make this assumption? 


For many of us, we get too comfortable when we start accomplishing our goals.  Things start going well, and all of the things that we did to get to where we are, well, we let them go.  We begin to believe that everything is all well.  For many of us, we assume that it’s smooth sailing all the way- all the way into retirement.  It is not unusual that for those of us who get well on our way, that we discard, or disregard all of the wonderful things that we have done to become the success that we are.  But somewhere, somehow, the engine starts sputtering.  Some how or another, either through a failure to use foresight or, to be mindful of the many economic changes that are happening around us, we find ourselves loosing altitude.  And unfortunately, some of us start gaining a little attitude-a bad attitude.  We blame everyone else, instead of looking at how we have allowed our strategy to get out of hand.   Let’s not blame anyone else.  We are still in charge of our destiny, and we still can recover from our shortfalls, if we want to.  We just need to get back to the basics, quickly. 


If not quickly enough, we may learn all too soon, or too late, that things have changed, people who played a role in our achievement have moved on.  Their support, while still valued, will not make the difference instantly, we will need to rebuild relationships that we should have maintained all along.  Right now, we need to look at where we are, and do some serious regrouping, recovery, and refocusing.


Publisher: Sen. Warren book coming out in 2014:


What did it take to be successful before?

As a sales professional, we are affected by numbers.  Allow me if you will, to superimpose numbers in this discussion, for demonstration purposes only.  Your circumstances may vary.

Numbers for us as sales professional speak to us.  We are virtually required to look at how many contacts we have made, how many people did we talk to, or how many sales did we close.  Without getting into complex math, as sales people, we are constantly aware that if we set a goal to call 100 people a week, and that if we are doing this consistently, that we should net 3 out of 10 calls that result in a lead.  This suggests 30 people.  Does this mean a sale?  No, it suggests that we have a possible lead.  If for example, out of the 30 people that we do talk to, 10 give us  additional leads, other than themselves.  Believe it or not, we are making progress.  How does that translate at this point?


If out of 100 calls, we get 10 leads, that’s 10% of where we started.  Of that 10, we need to be able to pull half or 5 prospects whom we believe are serious about buying a home.  If we are committed to the basics, we should be able to meet this goal at least once a week.  That is, if we are serious about our goals to sell 20 homes a month, or possibly 120 homes a year.  That is, if we are on a workable track.  But, we have to commit to doing this everyday.  As sales professionals, we have to commit to this exercise of building business everyday, expecting an outcome that will pay off in the long run and, for the long term.


Again, this is just one portion of a goal.  There are other aspects, such as, how much do we anticipate the average price to be of the homes that we sell, or how many of these homes are listed.  Other goals include calling FOR SALE BY OWNERS, or calling expireds.  If for us, as sales professionals, we fall short of our overall goal, then we need to look at what we are doing, or failing to do that keeps us from meeting our goals.  It is at this point, we need to know where we need to be, and that whatever sacrifices we have made before, we now have to make them again, if not by next month, but by 2014.  And, if we stay on track, we are going to achieve some phenomenal things.


What is the Need for Developing an Individualized Master Plan?

Earlier, we mentioned that coming in 2014, there will no doubt be the implementation of several Master Plans on many major fronts.  Many of these plans (not our own) will require us as citizens, students, or employees, to do a certain set of things in order for others’ plans to be successful.  Some of those plans will require that we either register for assistance, submit bids, pay taxes, pay increased fees, take courses and/or certifications, or, adjust our lifestyles accordingly in some significant way in order for others’ plans to be successful.  As long as it is legal what is required of us, it is fair to conclude that others’ Master Plans will all be successful. 


 But what about our own Master Plans?  And what will we require of others in order to help us achieve success going forward?  Do we need a Master Plan? I believe that we do, and the sooner we realize that, the sooner we will determine the essential elements or components necessary to achieve our goals.  Our Master Plan, as we can refer to it, if we choose, is our most serious commitment to our goals.  No doubt we have seen others who have maintained some semblance, if not an exact template of a Master Plan.  For example, athletes who participate in the Olympics.  They are the greatest example of individuals who are extremely committed to their goals, and work diligently to achieve success in areas such as swimming, gymnastics, track, wrestling and/or any Olympic-oriented team sports such as basketball.  We need not stop at sports or the Olympics.  We know that others have their commitment to their goals in areas of science, engineering, business, and politics.  There are many great examples of those who have executed their Master Plans, and who, like many of us, have found a way, when they have fallen short, or have had to start from scratch, they end up achieving a greater amount of success, using their own Master Plan.



Is it possible to have a Master Plan on an individual level?  I believe it is, but it is important to understand what a Master Plan means.  It essentially means that we have a long term plan that, regardless of who is the Mayor, or the President, that our success is on-going.  It means that for us, our Master Plan sells itself, to the point that others want to get on board.  In order for that to happen, we must be committed beyond this week or this month.  It means that we are committed well into 2014 and beyond.  But before 2014 gets here, we have to take stock of where we are today, and what it is that it will take to have a successful Master Plan. 


If for many of us, we already have a Master Plan, then there is no need to keep reading this.  You are set.  But for others of us who have yet to put together a Master Plan, we need to do our homework so that we don’t continue to fall short of our goals.  So what are the necessary components needed to put together a great Master Plan? 



No Need to Reinvent the Wheel

Our lives are surrounded by successful men and women, as well as businesses that have been out here for quite some time.  Many of those who surround us successfully have managed to survive technological challenges, economic challenges, and other challenges unique to their respective areas, that have done very little to keep them from achieving their various goals and objectives.  For these achievers, the wheel rolls and rolls and rolls.  How and why is up to us to ask, research, but never assume that we know how they accomplish what they do.  But, we should be seeking their wisdom and experience in terms of how, as individuals, and businesses they continue to be successful.  By doing our homework, we avoid reinventing the wheel for success.  Below is an example of what we should be looking for in our research.  Our circumstances may differ..



  • What is it that you want to accomplish for 2014 and beyond?
    • How do you plan to do this?
    • What Personal Resources will you access?
        • What is it that you will continue to do or, continue to do?
          • How many widgets do you plan to sell?
          • How many contacts will you make to promote your goals?
  • Budget
    • How much monthly, annually
    • Who will monitor/oversee
    • Sources of funds
    • What will be funded?
      • Equipment
      • Supplies
      • Personnel
      • Memberships
      • Miscellaneous
  • Source of Income and financial support
    • Sales
    • Existing job income
    • Loan(s)
    • Donations and/or contributions
  • What changes are you willing to make to achieve your goals?
    • Streamline previous goals and objectives
    • Disengage friendships, partnerships or negative relationships
    • Invest in new friendships, partnerships or positive relationships (association memberships, community activities, or professional activities)
    • Invest in any academic, or educational activity that increases credentials
  • Personal Goals that include weight loss, savings, starting a business, completing long term or short projects
    • 2015 Annual Goals-Start at #1
    • 2016 Annual Goals-Start at #1


State of Maryland Information Technology Master Plan Fiscal Year 2014:


Does Calling it a Master Plan make it more likely that it will be achieved?

It is really a matter of it all being up to us, individually.  When we look at governmental entities, businesses and organizations, schools, or churches, etc. they have the luxury of committees and groups that sit down and work out the pros and cons of what their future holds.  As individuals, we may only have the luxury of family and close friends whom we may trust to put together an action plan and get their feedback.  If that is the case, then, that is great that we have some type of support system.  Otherwise, individually, we have to sit down with ourselves and map out strategies that we will need to either incorporate, or assemble for a better possibility of achievement.  Will calling it a Master Plan make it more achievable? 


If it is a plan at all, that is great in itself.  But what makes it most achievable is the attention to detail and follow through.  We can call it tomato soup if we want to, but if we aren’t following through and doing the things that we outlined in our plan, then it doesn’t matter what we call it. 

What makes all of this most achievable is our desire to see it come true, and our commitment to make corrections, add to it, or even take things out of the plan that we know will not help us in the long run.  It’s not what we call our plans, it’s how we apply ourselves to what we have put on the table.  If calling our goals for 2014 and beyond a Master Plan, and it motivates us to do every single thing, every single day, then, Master Plan it is!  But always be mindful of the commitment factor.  That’s what truly makes it a master plan: commitment and following through.


Infrastructure master plan implementation begins 2014 — Minister:


Conclusion-What Great Things Are You Preparing for in 2014?

The first time I ever paid attention to the term Master Plan, it seemed offensive.  It seemed as though it implied rigidity, unyielding, inflexible.  And while that impression hasn’t changed much, I now embrace the term. I embrace, and hope that you will too with respect to what you have to accomplish in your life for 2014.  I guess the rigidity factor to me suggested that there was no room for change, or adjustments.  I know now that the perception of inflexibility was important, even for me.  I was slow to embrace any plan that did not suggest that I could erase, backspace, or delete something along the way.  While that maybe true for cities, organizations, schools or companies, that can’t be true for us, as individuals.  Yes, we should have a rigid plan.  We should have something that puts us on a solid track into the future.  But we should never assume that adjustments, corrections, or deletions can’t be made in our goals.  After all, we are humans, not machines. 


Setting reasonable goals for 2014 may mean, a “comprehensive guidance or instruction” “for achieving “ a “long-term strategy”.  It may mean, having a goal is better than having none at all.  But having a goal that challenges us means the most of all.  As long as our goals serve as some type of guidance or instruction, we should be able to achieve great things for 2014.  We should be able to measure our success, day by day, month by month, and not fall prey to “shiny objects”.  It will be tough and challenging to get ready for 2014, but if it worth striving for, it is worth sacrificing by remaining committed to all of our achievable goals.  Good luck going forward for 2014, and beyond.



Links on setting Goals and Master Plans:



All information deemed to be from reliable sources but is not guaranteed.  Please consult with your respective professionals before beginning any financial, medical, or legal regiment.  Your results may vary.

[1] Albert Einstein Quote- http://thinkexist.com/quotation/you_have_to_learn_the_rules_of_the_game-and_then/253063.html
[2]3 meanings for the term Master Plan-  http://www.thefreedictionary.com/master+plan