Thursday, October 31, 2013

YOU DON’T KNOW WHO YOU’RE MESSING WITH © 2013 by Wayne Dan Lewis, Sr.

How do we correct an America that is like a teen-aged girl?
As parents of daughters, especially teen-aged daughters, we know the challenges that we have faced or, are facing.  And if we are parents of boy(s) and girl(s), we know that there are differences as they both come of age.  My point of reference here is to focus on raising a teen-aged girl.  Why?  It would be relative as we discuss America and her continuing development as a country.  At an approximate age of 237 years old, that should make America a teenager in comparison to many of our earlier and older civilizations.  Therefore, America can claim a very young status as a country that is still growing, and is still in need of nurturing, and guidance.  But who is going to guide America?  Who is going to tell America when she is doing well, and when she is doing wrong?  And is America, like so many of our teenagers in general, so involved, so obsessed with not being told what to do, that no one can tell her anything?  Even her own citizens?

If we are citizens, particularly those of us who vote, we have to appreciate our roles in America to a greater degree.  If we are cognizant of the wrongs that our country is doing, and we would like to see America at her best, then we have to take the same position as we would for our teen-aged daughter,  especially if we love her.  And I would like to believe that we all do love America, our country.  And if we love her, we have to be prepared to take measured, corrective steps equivalent to taking America over our collective knee in order let America know that her attitude is becoming her downfall.   As parents, we sometimes have to take pro-active steps to correct our children, who sometimes think that they are too big to be corrected.  So it seems with America

The proverbial phrase that continues to haunt me, even as it only applied to one point in time of American history is, “Too Big To Fail!”  We should never allow America to believe that this applies to her.   As parents, we have to sometimes take steps to remind our children, that they are not too big to be taken out to the woodshed.  We often have to remind our children that their behavior may sometimes be counter-productive, and that if our children don’t straighten up and fly right, that they could be headed down a very dangerous path.

And so the same has to be said for our country, our America.  That if she (America) doesn’t straighten up and fly right, that she is putting herself and all that she holds dear in grave danger not only within her own borders, but also abroad.  It is just as important to remind America, the way that we might remind our children, that everyone is not supportive of who they are, even if someone smiles in your face.  It is just as important to remind America, the way that we remind our children, that someone is waiting for them to fail.  And as quiet as it may be kept, they may be aware of our children’s impending doom and will not dare say one word to save them from themselves.  Why wouldn’t someone save them from themselves?  Because of arrogance; because one presents themselves as too full of oneself,  or that our children present themselves as having an attitude of superiority that is only self-serving, and condescending.  If this behavior would apply to your daughter, whom we love so dearly, wouldn’t you tell her?  Would you not risk the love between the two of you and warn her that she carries herself precariously close to self-destruction, and that if she wants to be the very best that she can be, she needs to change her attitude soon, if not sooner.  So it behoove us, as parents, the same way it behoove us as citizens, to take America over our collective knee and give her a  stern disciplinary talking to.   Two questions:

  1. How do we as citizens discipline our country?
  2. What is it that is most critical at this time that we should take America over our knee and remind her to change her attitude?

Question #2, first
I’ll take the second question first.  There are any number of things that may jump out at us as citizens of this great country.  But for the sake of time, I will only focus on these four things:
    1. National Security
    2. Mental Health
    3. Racism and Discrimination
    4. Economic empowerment.

National Security
With respect to National Security, that for an ordinary citizen like myself, I should not have to worry about our nation’s security.  But here we are, as a lone individual possesses extremely valuable information, that almost day-by-day, information is being released, indicating that America has been spying on other countries.  Is that news in itself? No, it isn’t.  Should the spying stop?  No, it shouldn’t.  But the fact remains that this discovery poses a tremendous threat to our national security and that if all indications are correct, America stands to loose her credibility with the world at large.  America stands at a disadvantage because whether guilty or not, she has been allegedly caught.  But why did this happen in the first place?  It happened because of America’s arrogance and attitude about the power that she possesses.

Edward Snowden[1] is supposedly a lone American citizen, working as an independent
contractor for the NSA[2].  As we understand, it was job to handle classified information.  However, he subsequently obtained, funneled and/or sought to disclose the classified information under his control and began to reveal the information that he obtained, supposedly with the intent of sharing this information illegally, that he alleges was improper information for America to have access to, or to be conducting surveillance activity on American citizens and abroad.  The end result is a continuing one. 

Edward Snowden is a wanted man and maybe tried for treason, even in absentia.  Others may consider him a hero.  But that is neither here nor there as to whether Edward Snowden is a hero or a federal criminal, in this aspect.  What is more important is that there is an Edward Snowden.  Are there more Edward Snowden’s?  And if so, what is America doing to ensure that there are no more Edward Snowden’s?

Our National Security, as we all know, does not rely on, nor is it just limited to the men and women in our various military branches.  It is each of us, taking a progressive and pro-active role in ensuring that America’s interests are never compromised for personal gain.  The fact that it has been, when there are supposedly safeguards in place to prevent an Edward Snowden from acting alone, or in accord with any other rogue figures, suggests that safeguards were disregarded; that standards were lowered, and that the well-being of every American citizens was put out for the lowest bidder.  This is the suggestion, and America, if she is not taking note, that this seemingly lone agent, in the form of Edward Snowden, should cause America to realize that she is not so powerful, that her own internal safeguards can be compromised from within.  And of course, we can’t forget 9/11[3]America cannot take for granted the safety of her American citizens, or her allies abroad.

Mental Illness
Texas Republican Congressman and Tea Party favorite, Ted Cruz[4], lead a 21 hour filibuster to prevent the Affordable Health Care Act (AHCA) from being implemented.  So much so, that his goal(s) were to have the AHCA defunded, delayed, or repealed, if possible.  Congressman Cruz’s efforts failed, but he fought vigorously to see his goals realized even leading the way for a 15 day Government shutdown.  Some believe that he had a personal agenda, but not a real plan before having a role in shutting down the government of the United States, and perhaps, putting the nation’s economy at risk, locally and abroad.  Others may consider him a hero. 

Perhaps there is no correlation between Edward Snowden and Representative Cruz.  But they are both one individual, who in today’s America, represent a new kind of perceived hero.  Both of these men represent two extremes in American history.  Together, they represent how easy it is to gain the attention and perhaps, the control of this country.  Whether one is trying to tackle an issue on the floor of the House of Representatives, or the other is trying to gain the attention of the world by revealing classified national secrets, there is evidence, however slight, that we, as American citizens don’t take our leadership seriously.  The issue of Mental Health is important here because as much as Representative Cruz leads the issue on repealing or delaying healthcare across the board, an issue that hardly gets the needed attention is the mental well-being of America’s citizens.   It can be readily presumed that if Representative stands so firmly in the way of American citizens having an opportunity at general health care, that he perhaps stands just as steadfast in preventing need healthcare for those who suffer from mental illness.

It is unfortunate that I have to do this, but I have to state that I am not a psychiatrist and therefore cannot speak on mental health in terms of treatment, or what is actually mental illness from a medical standpoint.  The upside, if I may so, is that my adopted mother suffered from mental illness, therefore, I have a personal point of reference, and if the perception of mental illness today was present when I was adopted, then I wouldn’t have been adopted by a family member.  This is not to say that the stigma of mental illness didn’t exist, but the facilities were more plentiful, and willing to provide care for those in need. 

Today, mental health facilities are being closed.  And as I referenced Representative Ted Cruz and his leadership earlier, I am convinced that mental illness will be one of the fallouts of programs that the Affordable Healthcare program is designed to help if the good representative ever gets his way.   It is my contention that Representative Cruz will continue to work to ensure that those who need help of every kind, will target mental illness because the state budgets have already begun the initial cuts to programs that help those in need of mental health care. 

If mental illness continues to be the target of budget cuts across this nation, and eventually be denied because the Affordable Healthcare Act is eventually repealed, we will have seen nothing compared to the many mass shootings and killings that are going on throughout our nation.  As a country, we can’t begin, or continue to take for granted those whose lives depend on mental health, while placing an undue burden on police officers whose apparent response to mental health patients acting out is to arrest if possible, or to shoot them as a last alternative-case solved.

America has to do better. She cannot continue to reach out to the world with millions of dollars to help other nations to rebuild their various communities while disregarding her own citizens’ mental well-being.

Racism and Discrimination
Many may contend that America is now post-racial.  It is a cutsy term, but it is a fallacy even as America has her first Person of Color as Commander in Chief.  It is my contention that despite being elected for 2 terms, that America is on a non-stop mission to ensure that not one more Person of Color ever sets foot, or sits in the Oval Office who is not a white male.  This perceived attitude by America opens the door to whether America is going to open her mind to allowing any other sex into the Office of President, i.e. a woman.  But I have already addressed the idea of a woman for president in an earlier blog post: Formula for Selecting A Female Presidential Candidate © 2012 by Wayne D. Lewis, Sr.[5]   Today, it is about racism and America’s refusal to acknowledge that she is as racist today as she was 200 years ago.  It is about the racism that America believes is under control despite her highest incarceration rate includes predominantly African America males.  It is about America’s quickness to keep People of Color out of employment with limited, if any DBE contracts, and condemning those same people who are by and large are denied working opportunities.  It is about racism and discrimination in America because she acts with total abandonment in throwing drugs and guns in economically-created depressed areas and building jails for the impending aftermath.

America’s is repeating her role, as she did with Native Americans, of ensuring that anyone who is non-white, or a non-white male is no longer a threat to the future white domination.  If this is not true, then let anyone deny it.  But there is a reason why it should be true.  It is true because this is a country built on a dream.  And that dream did not include having anyone whose ancestry was anywhere other than Great Britain, Spain, France, or even Germany.  All others, step off.

This perception that I have of America, is that the White Elephant in the room (racism and discrimination) needs to be addressed, if America is going to move forward.  It is not personal, it is reality.  If this is a misperception held by someone as simple as me, I can only imagine greater minds who are reading the writing on the wall, that this America cannot continue moving forward as long as the perception is that White America believes that in the 237 years of this country’s existence, that everything will remain as it has always has been, and that everyone is going to roll over and play dead.  America can be better than the racist and discriminatory behavior that it continues exhibit towards black and brown people.   America can’t continue to move forward as long as she discriminates against those who are of different religions other than Christian.  America can’t continue to move forward as long as she discriminates against those with mixed sexual orientation.  American can’t move forward along as she continues to discriminate against those whose party affiliations is other than Democrat or Republican.  This is not the America that the founding fathers envisioned when they left Great Britain, according to the Constitution that is the guiding force for this country.  Correct me, if I am wrong.  But don’t bother to correct me if being wrong, being racist, or being discriminatory is the best that America would rather be.

This maybe this country’s teenage years, but it is time for it to mature and allow everyone, regardless of race, regardless of religion, regardless of nationality, creed or color, who are in effect, America citizens, to be the best that they can be.

Economic Empowerment
This is a great country.  Everything that a country can be, America has the potential to achieve.  Potential is the key word here.  It is amazing that there are so many systems in place in this country for people to save, invest, or to perhaps just spend day in and day out, and still not need to fall behind on their bills.  This country is built on the premise that if jobs are created, people can work.  This country is built on the premise that there is no need for anyone not to be able to lift a bale of hay; pick up trash along the side of the road, or to work on a scaffold 30 to 100 floors above the ground. 

The United States of America holds the promise, that for each and every person who wants to, they can feed every set of mouths in their household.  It holds the promise that whatever we want to be, we can be that because each and everyone, from the President of the United States down to the City Representative/Councilmember will be doing everything possible and necessary to help us achieve our Global Dream.  Note, our Global Dream.  We can no longer have an American Dream, we must dream globally.  But know that America is our base of operation.  Know that as we strive to achieve that which we seek to accomplish, America is going to put everything in place for us to be scientists, educators, doctors, engineers, fast food workers, entrepreneurs, mechanics, or linemen. 

America has failed when it puts systems in place that allows those who can work to collect checks and not work for all they are worth.  America has failed when those who can work can sit on their behinds and live at the expense of those who do work.  America will continue to fail however, if she seeks to cut off those whom she has enslaved to welfare, but fails to provide training to prepare those recipients for a transition to financial independence.  But America can redeem herself, if she wants to.  She can open doors to educational institutions, if she wants to.

America can, if she wants to, open doors to training institutions that prepare those who desire to be medical technologists, phlebotomists’, nurses and x-ray techs.  American can, if she wants to, open the doors to training institutions that train auto mechanics, carpenters, electricians, HVAC technicians, welders, or aerospace engineers, for whomever has the aptitude and the attitude to achieve their Global Dreams, in addition to the American Dream.

Her mission, should she decide to accept it, is for America to open the doors of prosperity to every American citizen.  Her mission, should she decide to accept it, is for America to cease and desist in making any American feel like they are worth so much less than they are.  Her mission, should she decide to accept it, is for America to focus on the prosperity that is the basis for every person’s dream who  crosses the Atlantic Ocean; who crosses the Caribbean Sea; who crosses the Mexican Border; who crosses the Pacific Ocean; or who crosses the Canadian Border, and do legally in every case.  America is capable of accepting that mission and then some, if she wants to, but first, America has to loose the attitude.  America has to loose the arrogance.

 Question #1, secondly
In discussing any problems, it is not enough to say what the problem is.  There must be solutions.  Anyone can complain.  So our first question was: How do we as citizens discipline our country?  

Theoretically, any solution should be given every consideration in that the solution itself does not lead to another problem, or a greater problem than what is currently on the table.  Additionally, the comparison between a teenaged girl, may serve well as an analogy, but America, despite her youth, comparatively, and as often referred to as “she” possesses few qualities of a human.  But that doesn’t stop her from being humane and/or compassionate.  Despite not being a human in any form, it does not stop America from reaching out to her citizens for the guidance that she needs to be a greater nation.  So how does we correct our country? 

I think that first and foremost, it is important that America opens herself to being corrected.  But, it is also important that we offer constructive, corrective action that America is able to digest, and see not only the errors of her ways, but also buys into what is best for her citizens within her shores, and for her allies abroad.   The corrective action can best be measured in the way that we change our attitudes towards voting.   Essentially, we should all vote.  For America’s part, do not work to suppress or deny any one citizen’s right to vote. 

Additionally, as citizens, we must change our attitudes about voting that we don’t continue to vote the same way, for the same people, for the same dynasties that work to build an America built on divisiveness and poverty-based programs.  Look for and demand of our leaders that business as usual is no longer the order of the day.  While we can’t speak face to face with America, our voting speaks volumes when we show up at the voting booths, ready to vote for new leadership, that is ready to fulfill America’s original promise of prosperity for all who are willing to earn and work for it.

In Conclusion
Many a teen-aged girl is perhaps wondering about who she is going to the prom.  Perhaps, she is worried about the pimples coming on her face at the worst possible time, just when she is about to meet someone very special.  To be truthful, a pretty teen girl rarely has little to worry about with whom she is going to go the prom.  It is practically a foregone conclusion that she is either going with the Captain of the football team, or the most popular guy in school.  For the very attractive, yet tomboyish girl, she will most likely wear under that pretty, frilly gown that makes her look like a daddy’s little girl, a pair of tattered blue jeans, a tank-top or t-shirt, and have at the ready, a pair of high ankle sneakers for after an event that she is only using as a means to an end for the night of her life.  Well, America is no different.

America is still young, growing, and beautiful.  She possess so much to give to not only her citizens, but to the world at large.  But with the gifts that she possess, America cannot be allowed to be self-serving to the point that only a select few can benefit from her natural and economic gifts.  America cannot afford to grow in a destructive manner where she disregards her safety by ignoring the standards that she put in place to keep her borders safe from outside attacks, whether by air, land, sea, and now technologically.  America must be reminded that her gifts can be retained, if not doubled when she looks after those who cannot look out for themselves, such as our citizens who suffer from Mental Illness.  Our approach to voting, can change that.

It is up to us as citizens, to remind America as a whole, that her continued obsession with Racism and Discrimination is on full display, and that the world is watching.  That if America continues to exercise the high level of racism and discrimination through incarceration, employment and voter suppression, that she can no longer hold herself out as a epitome or beacon for human rights.  The world is watching, and the world will no longer honor America as the leader that she claims herself to be.  Our approach to voting, can change that.

Last, but not least, Economic Prosperity.  It is what we all desire.  It is what we all deserve.  The fact that America’s homelessness exists at so high a rate is ludicrous.  It is ridiculous.  We are better than this!  America is better than this!  We could reduce our homeless population tomorrow, if we brought back the jobs from China, India, or any other population that superimposes “American Made” on imported goods.  We could shorten employment lines for which businesses say that there is no one who is willing to work.  America is better than the unemployment rate of 7.2%.  We can change that tomorrow if training facilities opened on the borders of bankrupt or nearly bankrupt cities and towns.  We can change all of this, with out approach to voting.

Correcting a country is a tremendous risk, especially when that country is ours.  Especially, when that country is the United States of America.  But if we love our country, we will risk correcting and pointing out areas where she needs to improve.  If we love America, and we want to see her prosper, the same way that we would want your teenaged daughter to succeed in her life, we will lovingly, and thoughtfully, take America over our collective knee.  We will send her a message at the ballot box, that among the things we would like to see improvement on is:
v     not closing our country down like it’s a corner grocery store and putting our national security at risk;
v     treating our mentally ill with compassion and providing them needed help;
v     putting aside racist and discriminatory behavior and,
v     making sure our country is the best that it can possibly be by ensuring prosperity for all. 
We can change all of this, with our approach to voting.  That is how I propose we correct our country, this teenager who has the greatest potential to be the best country in the world.

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