Friday, May 16, 2014

I HOPE YOU FAIL, AGAIN! (C) 2014 by Wayne Dan Lewis, Sr.

A Final Message to The Graduating Class of 2014

Rush Limbaugh: "I Hope He Fails!": [1]

 As each of you prepare for the many great challenges that life will present to you, there is no doubt in my mind, that there are hundreds of people wishing you well, and for the moment, so am I.  There are people, many of whom you may not know, hoping that you achieve the very best that life has to offer.  But despite that, there is always someone who stands in the corner, kicking rocks, disgruntled at best, that you accomplished something, however great, however slight, and that regardless of what great things await you, that person, in the deepest recesses of their heart, hopes ------you------ fail!

Let, let’s just pause for a minute.  Here you are, poised to achieve one of the greatest accomplishments in your life, and someone hopes that you fail to accomplish anything further.  What is more disturbing is that this person, is someone whom you may admire, idolize, or at the very least, respect them for what they have accomplished in their lives.  So why would they, in their infinite wisdom, hope you fail?

In my message to the graduating class of 2013,[2]  I focused on the historical precedent of America’s methodology of turning its nose on those who rose up in history to achieve their rights.  I talked about how America won her freedom from Great Britain ( I hope you fail); I spoke about how America fought against abolishing slavery (I hope you fail), and I spoke about  women fighting for the right to vote (I hope you fail).  But today, I want to speak to you not about just the past, where “I hope you fail” was all but the norm in America’s growth, but about the future of America, the future of the World, and of course, your role, as graduates of the Class of 2014.  I want to prepare you for your exposure, and the potential that you will be told more times than you will be able to count:  “I hope you fail!”

From today forward, you need to be very prepared for some very significant challenges ahead.  There are things that you will see and be a part of that will force you to stop,  right in your tracks.  You will be going on about your business, not worried about a thing in the world, and suddenly, you will find yourself face to face with a set of circumstances that will call into play, your reason for being a graduate of the class of 2014.  That set of circumstances will perhaps force you to take a stand for the betterment of your families, your communities, your state, your country, if not the world at large.  How you will approach these circumstances will be a matter of your own decision.  But in the end, you will be making a decision to go forward.  You will encounter adversity, obstructionists, naysayers, controversy, even discontent.  You may experience one, if not all of these circumstances from family and friends.   And you may experience this kind of pushback from political leaders, and community leaders.  But because those circumstances could be placed at your feet, or dumped into your lap, you will be able to call on your education, your parental upbringing, your life experiences, and all that is within you, to take on the challenge of the circumstances that will virtually have your name written aaaaallllll over it. 

What all of this potentially means to each of you, as you prepare for the future, is that you will encounter people from all walks of life, who, with their own agendas, with their own sense of power, who will not be able to sign off on what it is you will want to set right.  Your commitment to something greater than yourself, however noble, and seemingly beneficial, will encounter every brick wall, every roadblock, every broken damn there is, and on top of that, you may encounter any of these challenges from someone whom you would least expect the proverbiality of: “ I hope you fail.”

Nothing could be more crushing, than to hear from someone, whomever it maybe, whether you admire them, know them personally, or have a passing knowledge of them, that their position of authority, of leadership, assumes so much power, that even when something is for the good of all, that those in power work to ensure that it fails.   You should never have to fear the wrath of power that hopes you fail in your mission for success.

Recently, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R), has come under fire with respect to an alleged bridge closure between New Jersey and New York, that impacted thousands of commuters for several days. Allegedly, as an attempt at retaliation against a political foe for not supporting him in his re-election for governor of New Jersey in 2013.[3]   Governor Christie’s actions, if found to be true, suggests that Governor Christie’s administration wanted one of his opponents to fail.  And to that end, if true, the chaos that ensued over the George Washington Bridge [4], indicates how those in power are able to use their power to retaliate, to stand in the way, or to prevent others from achieving success.  Granted this is still under investigation.  The jury is still out on this investigation, but if true, it would be indicative of what those in power can do to affect the lives of others, even those who are innocent bystanders.   

Power is the key word here.  And if this looks like a Republican-bashing opportunity, it isn’t.  It is about power.  It would be easy to make this about the Republicans, and take us off message, but it is about power, and when someone achieves a phenomenal amount of power, regardless of who it is, even if it President Barack Obama,[5] or former First Lady, and former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton,[6] the power that envelopes anyone that gives them the confidence to thumb their noses at others who are in contention, is power that is tainted, and confidence that is being abusive.

This is to say that, conversely, as graduates of the Class of 2014, many of you will assume roles of extreme power.  You will be called on to make decisions that will affect thousands of lives in your communities, your state, the nation and the world.  Your power must not be the measure of your integrity.  But your integrity must be measure of your power.  At no point in time, in the future, whether you are working to make a change in the lives of thousands, the lives of hundreds, or just a few people, those whom you represent must never feel that your power gives you the audacity to hope that they fail.  At no time in the future, should you feel so compelled, or so confident in your abilities, that you wish someone else to fall on their faces, so much so, that your confidence makes you forget how you reached your own ultimate goals.  For in so doing, your legacy becomes a house of sticks, falling to the ground, into a pile of rubble.

As I concluded in 2013, I will conclude now, here in 2014.  “I do hope that you fail.”  My hopes for your failure, is an opportunity to turn a negative into a positive.  Without a doubt, Rush Limbaugh,[7] Radio Talk Show extraordinaire, apparently had every intension of seeing President Obama fail.   It was a negative comment, in my opinion, made to any President of the United States of America.  But, here I come, hoping that you fail, too.  But I want to make it a positive thing.  By hoping that you each fail, I want each of you to take this opportunity to remember, that failure will be a natural part of everything that you do.  Each failure will be a measure of how far you are willing to go, and how committed you are to achieving your dreams.  But more specifically, here is how I hope you will fail:

  1. I hope that you will fail to give into the difficulties that surround your pursuits;
  2. I hope that you will fail to listen to those who tell you with certainty, that you can’t achieve your goals or dreams;
  3. And, as you achieve your dreams of success, I hope that you will  fail to be self-centered, conceded, condescending, or over confident, thereby forgetting all those who have helped you achieve your greatness;
  4. I hope that you will  fail to adopt the level of confidence that allows you to wish the worst on others, just so that  they can’t compete with you on a level playing field; Last but not least,
  5. I hope that you will  fail to ever believe that you are so powerful, so good at what you do, that you can never be taken down by life’s greatest equalizer:  Karma[8]

To the Graduating Class of 2014, please accept my fondest wishes that you succeed in all that you do, and that regardless of your challenges, that you not allow someone to discourage you from your dreams, and that upon achieving your dreams, that you remain humble, grateful, and appreciative for all of the great things that life brings your way.   Best wishes to you, the Graduating Class of 2014.


[1] "I Hope He Fails", Rush Limbaugh recording on
[2] I Hope You Fail © 2013, Wayne Lewis a Message to the Graduating Class of 2013:
[7] Rush Limbaugh-  (Not an endorsement)
[8] Karma-

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